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- Living Well Series, Uncategorized
Guided Imagery
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- **Completely Updated in December/2016** ****A valuable addition to your library of Creative Healing books from Dr T's Living Well Series.**** A Guided Imagery is a technique that is used to take you away into the inner recesses of your mind. It is a technique which, when mastered, can interrupt the stressors of the day, the compulsive worry, or just cleanse…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming ADHD in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.19
- This book is for all of the exhausted and frustrated parents, relatives, and educators dealing with the behaviors that just absolutely don’t make sense to you….How can this child not follow these simple directions? How can this child not learn this easy task? Why can’t my child do chores or clean his room? This book is for you who have…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Anger in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
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- **Completely Updated in December/2016** Do you have to “walk on eggs” around your child? Is he/she easily agitated and aggravated by anything and everything? Does he or she have a constant attitude, and perhaps even an arrogant way of responding to you? You may have a child with misplaced anger, and who is in need of releasing that anger in…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Anxiety in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.99
- Anxiety is defined as a feeling of extreme fear, nervousness, uneasiness or worry of impending doom, or an event of undetermined outcome. However, anxiety is not always a pathological process. The same feeling occurs naturally in association with an intense desire to do something. Every child or teenager experiences some degree of anxiety as part of their normal social and…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Depression in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.99
- The treatment modalities for pre-teen and teenager depression require a multi-factorial approach. Cognitive-behavioral therapy in combination with pharmacotherapy is the main-stay treatment option commonly used today for treating depression. While these drugs are effective in treating depression, careful monitoring of the dosage is extremely important, especially in young children. Holistic therapy can be effective in treating “normal depression” and might…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Drug and Alcohol Problems in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
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- **Completely Updated in December/2016** Spice! Vanilla Sky! Ecstasy! PCP! Inhalants! Do you know what these are? They are commonly used and abused drugs by teens and adults. You need to know what Bath Salts are to be current with your children and the dangers that exist in their world. This book will educate you on these and many more common…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Obesity in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.19
- Our children need our guidance in almost every aspect of their lives, but we are often too busy or tired to notice subtle changes in them. Weight problems and Obesity are fast becoming a national epidemic in the Western world, and yet our children are leading more sedentary lives, due to the increase in technology. Some schools have cut physical…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Self-Esteem Problems in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.19
- Everyone of us has had a day, a moment or perhaps even a lifetime of being critical of ourselves over something. Perhaps it was or is our nose that we don’t like. Our height? Our weight? Our parents? Our grades? Our voice? Our clothes? Our lack of athletic talent? Our neighborhood? It just seems to be human nature to be…
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- Living Well Series
Overcoming Trauma and Loss in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide
- $3.19
- Most adults have experienced losses. We may have lost parents, or other family members. We may have lost jobs, or had a divorce, and we remember how difficult it was for us to work through that pain and hurt. Now think about our children aged 5 to 18 years old and how difficult it must be for them to deal…
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- Living Well Series
Say What? Suggestions on what to Say in almost every Difficult Situation
- $3.99
- There are many times in our interactions with other people where what we say really matters. From reading this guidebook, you will have some new ideas of how and what to say to people in difficult situations. How you know the person, how well you know the person, and how close you are to the person can temper the…
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- Living Well Series
Senior Moments: A Guide to Aging Safely and Gracefully
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- This book is a guide about how to make getting older a little easier. This book is dedicated to the middle class, and the working class of people who are not wealthy or able to easily move to an expensive assisted living facility. If you gain one thing from this book that makes your life safer and easier as you…