Overcoming Trauma and Loss in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide


Most adults have experienced losses. We may have lost parents, or other family members. We may have lost jobs, or had a divorce, and we remember how difficult it was for us to work through that pain and hurt.

Now think about our children aged 5 to 18 years old and how difficult it must be for them to deal with loss. They don’t have the emotional maturity or life experience to process loss and trauma like we do, and yet we as adults still have a difficult time dealing with trauma and loss.

This book explains the kinds of losses and traumas that our children experience. It also spells out the effects these losses and traumas have on our children, whether physical, emotional, social or academic. Trauma and Loss not treated when experienced can cripple a child’s ability to develop healthy relationships. It can also lead to Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Abandonment Issues, or Trust Issues.

We need to be proactive in helping our children recover from the effects of Trauma and Loss. This book outlines several treatment approaches, and can help you develop an action plan with your child. This book is informative, clear, and concise and an absolute must for parents.


“Overcoming Trauma and Loss in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide”



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