Overcoming Obesity in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide


Our children need our guidance in almost every aspect of their lives, but we are often too busy or tired to notice subtle changes in them. Weight problems and Obesity are fast becoming a national epidemic in the Western world, and yet our children are leading more sedentary lives, due to the increase in technology. Some schools have cut physical education and health classes, so this leaves it to parents to educate their children about food, and exercise.

Most people don’t know that Obesity untreated leads to serious health and mental health issues. Another interesting fact is that untreated health or mental health issues can lead to obesity. This book addresses both of those facts.

This book points out, clearly and concisely, the many causes of obesity, the possible health and mental health problems associated with obesity, and the professional help that is available. It also clearly points out that overweight children are often impaired socially, emotionally, and academically.

When you finish this book, you should be able to start an “action plan” in your family to help interrupt the shame and heartbreak of obesity.

“Overcoming Obesity in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide”



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