Overcoming Drug and Alcohol Problems in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide


**Completely Updated in December/2016** Spice! Vanilla Sky! Ecstasy! PCP! Inhalants! Do you know what these are? They are commonly used and abused drugs by teens and adults. You need to know what Bath Salts are to be current with your children and the dangers that exist in their world. This book will educate you on these and many more common drugs that our teenagers are abusing.

Has your child pulled away from you? Is he or she sleeping way too much? Do you know the friends your child hangs out with? Is there suspicious behavior or a nasty attitude that you notice more and more? Do you see that the innocence once prevalent in your child has been replaced with rudeness, cursing, manipulative behavior, and breaking rules?

Teens are suffering under stressors and responsibilities most parents don’t understand. They also have an unconscious need, just as most adults do to “medicate’ that stress. They just don’t have the maturity to know the danger of “medicating” with drugs and alcohol.

Are your teens or pre-teens acting differently? Are they pulling away from you and the rest of the family?

This is the book you need to read to understand the powerful dynamic of Drug and Alcohol Abuse in young adults. it is very important to stop drug and alcohol use in your children before it develops into the abuse stage. If you or your parents have suffered from any addictions, then there is a great chance your child will too.

Learn about Interventions. Learn about Prevention Methods. Learn about Treatment Methods. Learn how to be a better Parent.

This is a must have book filled with Resources and Knowledge to educate yourself to deal with Drug and Alcohol Use in Teens and Pre-Teens.



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