Overcoming Depression in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide


The treatment modalities for pre-teen and teenager depression require a multi-factorial approach. Cognitive-behavioral therapy in combination with pharmacotherapy is the main-stay treatment option commonly used today for treating depression. While these drugs are effective in treating depression, careful monitoring of the dosage is extremely important, especially in young children. Holistic therapy can be effective in treating “normal depression” and might include: proper diet, exercise, supplements, emotional expression through acting, singing, and writing, etc.

Parents and siblings of depressed children play a very important role in helping these relatives deal with their depression. They need support, concern, care, attention, and reassurance as well as comfort from close family. Depression can occur in a familial pattern causing a string of depressed children and parents in the family. This may be disastrous, and the services of a family mental health professional and perhaps psychiatrist may be needed.

Depression is treatable! The first step is to recognize it. Then develop an “action plan” which includes a professional assessment, if necessary. The best thing a parent can do for their child is to provide a safe environment to get them to talk about their feelings. Never underplay a child’s sadness.

“Overcoming Depression in Teens and Pre-Teens: A Parent’s Guide”



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